Earth Child Institute Ghana
We are a locally registered base Non Governmental Organization committed to the vision and mission of Earth Child Institute international which aim to empower kids and young people to protect the environment and become environmental ambassadors in their respective communities base on the actions taken by the kids in coordination with the community institutions, and with the participation of the local population.
ECI Ghana
Karim Mumuni, ECI Ghana (
Karim Mumuni has a degree in Social Work and is currently pursuing a B.S. in Psychology at University of Cape Coast. He worked with the Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS), monitoring and evaluating the performance of NGOs in this sector and assisting in the provision of portable drinking water, empowerment of rural women with skills, and promotion of girl-child education. As the research assistant of the Ghana MDGs/GCAP Secretariat, Karim coordinates the activities of the platform members representing various goals of the MDGs and organizes capacity-building workshops. En 2011 Karim established ECI Ghana, which has since engaged in projects such as empowering students to plant trees, conducting clean-up exercises (LAVADO), and organizing forums to educate students about the need to keep our environment green and sustainable.