ホーム > BRAZIL

Earth Child Institute Brazil

We are the South American headquarters of ECI International. Our mission aims to empower children and young people today toward a sustainable tomorrow. In this context, we are committed to deal with environmental issues by investing in hands-on educational projects with and for children, 水不足などの地球環境問題に取り組んでいる国際非営利団体です.

ECI Brazil

Bruno holds a Master’s degree in Education for Sustainability from Griffith University in Australia and a bachelor degree in Social Communication from PUC-Rio in Brazil. His areas of speciality include education, social communication and sustainable tourism. He has more than 10 years of experience working with NGOs, private companies, governmental organizations and academic institutions in Brazil and in Australia. Bruno is currently based in Rio de Janeiro.

ECI Brazil Partners
Swarovski Waterschool
Municipality of Santarem
Federal University of West Para (UFOPA)
アマゾナス持続可能財団 (FAS)
Project WET Foundation
Parque School – リオデジャネイロ
UN Habitat
Municipal Deparment of Education – リオデジャネイロ

ECI Brazil Projects

スワロフスキーウォータースクールECI Brazil is the local partner responsible for the implementation of the Swarovski Waterschool で 2014-2015 along the Amazonas, Tapajós and Arapiuns rivers in the State of Pará. The aim of the project is to support and develop practical water education activities and strengthen the perspective of children and their families through the conservation of their habitat. The project encourages the sharing of experiences and actions in water education and environmental stewardship with the school communities and civil society in a way that will both raise awareness and inspire practical and sustainable local actions to protect waterways and riverside communities. Swarovski Waterschool in Brazil is supported by the University of West of Pará (UFOPA), Santarém Municipality, Santarém Secretary of Education and the United Nations Children’s Fund (ユニセフ).

Among the actions carried out by ECI Brazil, 。 グローバルアクションクラスルーム (GAC) has been implemented in the country to connect kids and young people to discuss environmental issues. 私たちは、リオデジャネイロなどの大都市だけでなく、 (。, 、) アマゾンの熱帯雨林にある小さな農村部でも、活動を行っています (。). アースチャイルド協会によるブラジルでのGACの導入は、子ども達にインターネットを通して学び、共有する機会を提供してきました.
.:COP18については、アウトリーチ·マガジンで掲載された記事を読んで下さい。 GACブラジル.
.:Watch the ビデオ with brazilian youth discussing the future they want, theme of the GAC Brazil 2012.

ECI Brazil was the local partner responsible for the implementation of the プロジェクトWET (Water Education for Teachers) で 2012-2013. から 1984, the Project WET Foundation has dedicated itself to the mission of reaching children, 教職員, teachers and community members of the world with water education. In Brazil, the ECI Team is coordinating the implementation of this project in six favelas in Rio de Janeiro (Andarai, Borel, Formiga, Macacos, Salgueiro and Turano). We are bringing the Project WET methodology and adapting to the local reality and needs to these six favelas, 50 Municipal Schools, 100 educators and 20.000 kids and youth in Rio. We aim to empower these people to deal with issues related to water by stimulating them to think critically and act toward a sustainable future for their communities.

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